amanina987654321 thinks
14 years ago
that she is not so famous! (sick)
latest #20
prology says
14 years ago
kenapa perlu itu semua? tidak cukup lg dengan apa yang ada?
jungkeuri says
14 years ago
no need to be famous. ==;
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
anwar, masih belum mampu la.
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
haha hee, ure famous ady tau! eh i saw someone like u in LRT petang td. (goodluck)
14 years ago
why must be famous? ==;
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
haha bcz ppl are chasing for fame (LOL), unni, unni join unicef x?
14 years ago
i rather be RICH. I'm helping out for the cause. will be donating soon when I grab some money. waeyo?
jungkeuri says
14 years ago
amanina987654321: DD: how you know she look like me? XD and no im not famous v.v
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
unni norfy, lol bcming rich is my future goal!!! yeay bila dah kaya, bley g stalk oppas dengan mudah skali
14 years ago
lololololz! i'll go stalk younger generations when i'm that rich XD
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
oh i MIGHT join the cause, cuma taktau platform apa nak guna. (im asking fr yr help) hehe
jungkeuri says
14 years ago
everyone want to be rich XD
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
hee, i saw yr pic in fb, she was totally mcm kamu, and nina duk sebelah dia td, dia tgh dengar dont don. wuhuu
14 years ago
oh, of course, sila2
jungkeuri says
14 years ago
amanina987654321: wa really? o_o a possible elf that look like me. that's cool.hahaha XD
jungkeuri says
14 years ago
norfy: i think i want to join too >_<
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
unni kalau nak buat benda tu, bgtau nina tau, i'll bank in some amount of mney to you ^^
14 years ago
eh, you can bank in to me the money whenever you wish to. i'd be sending it right away. thats how it works ^^
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
10 ringgit je bleh? tak mampu nak send lagi banyak dr tu, huhu
14 years ago
boleh je, u can try to see the amount in USD here
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