yum5...delicioso... ( dora d explorer )
That made me think of charlie instead of Dora xD
LOL!! Put a banana in your eeeaarrr...
Put a banana right into your fav. ear!!
Hahaha...it nvr gets old. Btw...i crave ur dancing mat...
It never will! Candy mountiannnnnn.... CHarlieeeeee.. Lol... I'm sure it misses you too =D Keira included.
Awwwwwww...i miss keira actually. 1st time so close to her...
I know! It took a while for you guys to bond xD
Nawhh...it's quite fast. N i thought she was jz plain loud... XD
It took a few visits my dear xD
Well...a few visits dsnt seem much to me...see how much i miss her already? XD
A few visits to bond.. That's more than usual =p
Well...it's more like a...love at first sight. LOL!
Oh noess! Keira ish MINE!!! ROAR xD
BOOOO...she knows she loves me...