bbemily says
14 years ago
pei wah is trying to hide something from me or what?
latest #24
永远勇敢 says
14 years ago
what is she hiding from you?
bbemily says
14 years ago
y she suddenly remove me from friend
bbemily says
14 years ago
for being not telling the truth to me..
永远勇敢 says
14 years ago
hmm...Plurk also got some problem geh. Last time also some frens been removed from my list without knowing maybe she also don noe.
bbemily says
14 years ago
actually do u really know her?
永远勇敢 says
14 years ago
We never met. But i think i know her lo. why ask like that?
bbemily says
14 years ago
just my feeling tells me that she is not that sincere,, does u all talk on phone?
永远勇敢 says
14 years ago
sometimes, on the phone also. No ah...i feel she is a very sincere person ah...
bbemily says
14 years ago
david are u married?
bbemily says
14 years ago
maybe u r far from her,, ag555 is to near to her and temptation is always everybody weakness
bbemily says
14 years ago
nevermind ,, nice chatting with u anyway.. thanks for responding..
永远勇敢 says
14 years ago
well...anyway, I like Pei Wah. I think she's a very nice person. SOmetimes sotsot dei but we all love her here.
永远勇敢 says
14 years ago
of coz, perhaps i don know her as well as you, but i think i know who she is lo.
永远勇敢 says
14 years ago
anyway. byee
14 years ago
peiwah is hiding smt from u or AG?pls do not simply accuse other, as u duno anything ab her, how can u so sure she is the temtation of AG?
14 years ago
If AG cant resist frm temptation, the prob is him not others! as the oldest teach us对症下药
14 years ago
as u d noe his weak point, go ahead n do smt, accusing other doesnt help the situation but adding burden to all,esp to those innocent 1
14 years ago
*if some1 can b influence by new temptation, they can also b influence by another new new more temptation
14 years ago
and to prevent them frm getting new temptation,the previous temptation shud always stay NEW...
bbemily says
14 years ago
I'm a person that dont simply accuse others.. i' ve read with my own eyes. morning, noon till midnight...
bbemily says
14 years ago
dont try to teach me what should i do.. i think u r right that one hand clapping would not sound..
bbemily says
14 years ago
think carefully before using the accusing word.
bbemily says
14 years ago
tell her that i 've thought her a great lessons.. and worthy to remember forever..and of course u too.
14 years ago
same goes to you,learnt a great lessons
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