14 years ago
watched new moon yesterday. So nice can ? (heart) And i started to read eclipse because of this (rock)
latest #12
Nurul! says
14 years ago
NEW MOON SO NICE! Jacob is so (woot)!
(Sinyee!) says
14 years ago
LOL! I know u trying to say hot . Am i right (devil)
Nurul! says
14 years ago
Haha, yea. The 6-pack is so wow-ing lor! Heheh. (LOL)
(Sinyee!) says
14 years ago
LOL, Edward also very (woot) but i know jacob more (woot) HAHA! They both is so so so (woot)
Nurul! says
14 years ago
Haha, Jacob more (woot) than Edward! Jacob so so so so so effing (woot)!
Nurul! says
14 years ago
(woot) ~
(Sinyee!) says
14 years ago
LOL! U say until u also (woot) le . HAHA! (LOL) LAC UH~
Nurul! says
14 years ago
Haha, new moon got me so (woot) Kay, must relax~ Later become high. LOL
(Sinyee!) says
14 years ago
Yeahyeah, u cannot get too high cause still got eclipse and breaking down yeah :-)
Nurul! says
14 years ago
breaking down?!?! (lmao)
(Sinyee!) says
14 years ago
paiseh (doh) , error la deh~ BREAKING DAWN!~ (LOL)
Nurul! says
14 years ago
Haha, you more gonggong eh! Breaking down~!
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