Eric Odom
16 years ago
I still don't get why McCain haters are upset that the McCain family makes sound real estate investments. It's not like Rezko is involved...
latest #13
LeslieCarbone says
16 years ago
because their approach to public policy is based on envy.
balkhis says
16 years ago
I don't know why people don't like McCain in first place
VintageVirtue says
16 years ago
he seems grumpy lately
LeslieCarbone has
16 years ago
many reasons for disliking McCain, foremost his contempt for the Bill of Rights. lesliecarbone.blogspot.c...
16 years ago
I thought it was because he had no idea what they owned.
hkdkat says
16 years ago
I think it's more his attitude towards it all.
Cassiopoeia is
16 years ago
one of the few people who likes both candidates (finally). I think people have unrealistic (re, god-like) expectations of candidates -
16 years ago
No one you agree with 100% will EVER be elected, and candidates are just people too. We seem to forget that in election years
ethnicomm says
16 years ago
hey in Canada, McCain is a brand of french fries :-)
ethnicomm says
16 years ago
anyone that doesn't know how to use email doesn't deserve to lead the worlds last remaining superpower into the future IMHO
ethnicomm says
16 years ago
let alone guide it through the issues they are facing at the is a competitive advantage - you gotta know it and use it
ljarratt says
16 years ago
you really just need to know how to delegate to the people that do.
ljarratt says
16 years ago
I'd rather have someone who can protect the country and who will take away the least of our freedoms regardless of whether they are a techie
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