Fangyi says
15 years ago
i can't find any good classes for digital art in Singapore :-(
latest #6
ilufariel says
15 years ago
Fangyi says
15 years ago
i googled like hell yesterday but couldn't find any >.> Most of the classes already started so maybe i'll wait for the june holidays
ilufariel says
15 years ago
Aw. You have a tablet or something? Or PhotoShop.
Fangyi says
15 years ago
well, i'm planning to buy one after i get my red packet money D< I do have photoshop cs4 extended xD
ZUNING :X says
15 years ago
i want digital art classes...D:
ilufariel says
15 years ago
Wahhh. Yeah .. Good idea. I shall use my red packet money too >D
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