TesiaD thinks
15 years ago
"sexy" was a really sad story. Was anyone else bothered that Miranda was so ok with being a mistress?
latest #9
15 years ago
yeah, that really bothered me. I feel like a lot of people have to live that sort of life and it's sad.
15 years ago
I think she was just lying to herself the whole time. It would never have worked out with Dev even if he hadn't been married.
Writergirl101 says
15 years ago
Yes. That sentence struck me as very odd. But I have also seen people like that in my life that let their identity get sucked up into
Writergirl101 says
15 years ago
other people's because they are too exhausted or lazy to figure out what THEY want from life. It's a very sad thing to see when I was raised
Writergirl101 says
15 years ago
to be very independent and be very watchful of who I am as a person without everyone around me.
15 years ago
Yeah, I think she needed to consider how it would be to be in his wife's shoes, especially since she can observe what Laxmi's cousin was
15 years ago
going through in a similar situation.
ZackW11 says
15 years ago
yeah i can actually think of individuals with the same type of mantallity and its sad
sakinahn says
15 years ago
she definitely tried to flip the script. women are just not built with the mentality of a man which is why society negetates ppl like her...
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