AskAnneka shares
14 years ago
Shes a moose! - I receive my second problem letter today
latest #39
☆QKingstonQ☆ says
14 years ago
That happens So much in Sl
☆QKingstonQ☆ says
14 years ago
I know some people who met, TheGuy said after they met, something inside of him DIED. (brokenheart)
☆QKingstonQ☆ says
14 years ago
I was like: Tough Tiddy, next time go to Match Sl is not a RL Hookup place, hello, Its called Second Life. DUH (woot)
☆QKingstonQ☆ says
14 years ago
Now, How do you know that is his Real photo 8-)
☆QKingstonQ☆ says
14 years ago
okay, thats diff (lmao)
Marnix says
14 years ago
when I webcam i put up a picture of some stud in front of the camera and tell the person I am sitting very very still
☆QKingstonQ☆ says
14 years ago
(rofl) (rofl)
::Bryony:: says
14 years ago
you see if you meet wearing non-human avatars in SL...they don't expect you to look like that in RL. :-D
☆QKingstonQ☆ says
14 years ago
(rofl) (rofl)
::Bryony:: loves
14 years ago
non-human avies!
Tara Voskhod
14 years ago
(lmao) Amen, sista!
Tara Voskhod
14 years ago
And again...keep RL pics to yourself, folks! Whether we're all RL physically beautiful or not, I'd rather live in the fanasy world of it!
14 years ago
agrees....I put a pretty picture of something in my 1st life picture. My hubby loves my 1st life desire for pixel nookie here...
14 years ago
yes....very few ppl put their RL selves on their profile. Far too many superficial folk in SL...
14 years ago
Clearly, there's no singular RIGHT way to "play" SL. I have my RL pic in my profile. I like it when others do as well, but it really...
14 years ago
isn't that important to me. I can appreciate that others would prefer that reality not break the spell, so to say. I like getting to know...
14 years ago
people. If they choose to share anything of their RL with me, great! If not, well then that's good too. :-D
14 years ago
prefers to reveal her real self to those I know very well and trust. I share certain details but I've seen too many...
14 years ago
ppl get verbal attacks for their RL pictures. You really have to be so careful on t'internet....too many bored trolls about
LOL love the "shallow bastard" comment in your answer... and yeah i got many attacks because of my RL appearance so i am hesistant with
sharing that info but most of my friends in SL know the person behind the avatar and don't care *hooray*
14 years ago
you only have to see the nasty comments some really attractive rock stars get on YouTube to know what pond life there is.
14 years ago
those types see the anonymity of t'internet as their chance to let rip at anyone who catches their attention
Shiryu Musashi says
14 years ago
Oh wow Anneka, I think i recognize the dress on the header :-D
AskAnneka says
14 years ago
OMG! So you're the designer eh? I love it. I hope you don't mind me wearing it there
AskAnneka says
14 years ago
i am just embarrassed it's the free one now though...
Shiryu Musashi says
14 years ago
oh not at all Anneka, I'm actually honored :-D
AskAnneka says
14 years ago
me too
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