vigil means a period maintained for any reason during the normal hours for sleeping.
tarnished means to dull a metal light
burdensome means troublesome
vigil: a period of wakeness during normal hours of sleep
Crude- inappropriate/rude
Vigil- a period of sleeplessness
are we class three or seven?
crude:unprepared vigil:wakefulness tarnished
ull burdensome:troublesome
ok this isnt working for tarnished its sopose to be dull
crude. in a raw or unprepared stake
vigil :wakefulness maintained for any reason during the normal hours for sleeping.
tarnished to dull or luster
Crude - a rough state
Vigil - watcher at night
Tarnished - dull
Burdensome - distressing
vigil-being awake and watching at night time
tarnished- to dull or lose color
burdensome- heavy or troublesome
Is this my class Ms skiv?
vigil time of sleeplessness
Tarnished to dull or discolor
Burdensome-menatlly heavy to be a burden
crude: curt/rude vigil: wakefulness tarnished:rusted burdensome: bothersome word for these is plenty...when you read, seek them out in the chapter, so you can see them in context
Jaim, you're class one..we'll do this tomorrow
Crude is in a raw or unprepared state
Virgil is a male given name
tarnished is old and rusted
vigil is wakefulness during sleeping hours
burdensome is oppressively heavy
tarnished - dicolored, rusted.
why is there like a million definitions to each word here?
burdensome - heavy, troublesome.
is this for my class too?
budensome: troublesome / annoying
tarnish: dirty metal / discolored
crude-in a raw or unprepared state
Vigil-awake during normal sleeping hours
Tarnished- to dull the luster of
vigil--a period of weakness during normal hours of sleep
burdensome is a trouble in something
crude- blunt, vigil-maintained, tarnish- discolor or rusted, burdensome- annoying, in the way
vigil- unable to sleep, crude-raw, natural,tarnished-dull' burdensome- troublesome, annoying
sorry, couldnt find anything for tamished
burdensome- distressing, or troublesome.
crude:rude, vigil:awake during sleeping time, tarnished
iscolor, burdensome: bothersome/annoying