chrissayswhat is
16 years ago
hungry, but isn't gonna eat until she meets up with her fiancee. He thinks i'm not eating at all, so i'm bringing lunch over. *chomps gum*
latest #7
EL Duderino
16 years ago
Do you need to eat somethign?
Curio says
16 years ago
Wait, fiancee? Did I miss something?
Babyhellfire says
16 years ago
eatting small meals throught the day are actually better for you than a couple small large meals... I would have a little snack if i were u
16 years ago
Curio- yes. we're back together on the grounds that he gets counseling, a job, a car, and better attitude.
Curio says
16 years ago
.... Where have I heard this before? >.>
16 years ago
We're missing you (cozy)
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