plurklayout says
15 years ago
is back on plurk!!
latest #15
알렉시스 says
15 years ago
plurklayout says
15 years ago
(dance) yup..was busy for the past 2 months with many projects.. Now have the time to work on!!!
Yufon says
15 years ago
(dance) (cozy)
RottenApril says
15 years ago
MASTER. says
15 years ago
yeah :-D
알렉시스 says
15 years ago
cool :-D
syabambam says
15 years ago
finally ! have been waiting :-D
CallMeLulu says
15 years ago
plurklayout says
15 years ago
everyone, Thanks for the warm welcome.. :-))
zulboy says
15 years ago
MASTER. says
15 years ago
are there new layouts? T_T
MASTER. says
15 years ago
can i request a cool emo layout? :-P
MASTER. says
15 years ago
tnxx.. if you can. but if you can't it's still ok :-D
GregoryG says
15 years ago
yep!!!! uuuuuurrrrraaaaa!!!
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