jeflin says
16 years ago
anybody have tips to keep awake after a full lunch? :-)
latest #18
ViVi says
16 years ago
for me just keep walking around in the office.:-)
tellmiwhy says
16 years ago
stand up and do ur work
tellmiwhy says
16 years ago
after lunch don't sit down..will fat and slpy
PathetiX says
16 years ago
take a 10 min nap.
lagoon says
16 years ago
just give in to yr ASS (Afternoon Sleepy Syndrome) and go lie down somewhere bah ...
Silverelf says
16 years ago
it helps to not eat so much carbs during lunchtime. The sugar high makes you sleepy after.
tellmiwhy says
16 years ago
haha..doze off inside the toilet
mojo13 says
16 years ago
i walk 2 miles after lunch, and if i drink water and work out BEFORE lunch i tend to eat much less. in singapore, walking 2 mi outdoors
mojo13 says
16 years ago
may prove problematic unless your workplace has a shower!
Monteverde Boy says
16 years ago
jeflin says
16 years ago
vivi, walking around doing nothing may let the boss suspect you are very free. :-))
jeflin says
16 years ago
tellmiwhy, i will try to find some work which allows me to stand up. :-)
CT Xue shares
16 years ago
in sleep studies they say 1pm the body is prepared to rest, called the 'siesta' in some countries, and more employers are encouraging that
jeflin says
16 years ago
i like the nap idea, only thing is to convince my boss that it is in the company's interest. :-)
jeflin says
16 years ago
siverelf, my carbs consist of the usual rice, unless I switch to a salad/veggie meal.
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