yes....I made him be a fan...figured that wouldn't hurt him.
why he wants to be my friend?
also what's the difference in a fan and a friend?
I got one too from a 13 yr old boy from canada and I refuse to even let him be a fan I cuss too much
a fan watches your plurks, but you don't follow his
I don't need to be censoring on here for some kid I don't know
but does the rejection hurt his karma?
fan can read all your plurks and can comment a friend can do the same but you also see their plurks on the all plurks timeline
yes I think so and that is why I havent rejected him yet
I was just surprised that he even spotted me
yeah me too I think its weird, maybe one of those undercover things
ooh - I hadn't thought about that. Besides, how can a 13 year old even get on here? Did they ask my age when I signed up?
I don't think they asked the age
I looked at some of his plurks just to see who he was.
and then at some point he will cancel his request
I will have to not accept this one
pretty pointless to be conversing with someone my age
you don't plurk "bad" things so I would think you would be okay but it's the freedom to plurk what the heck you want that keeps me from
I mean for him to converse with me
adding him, he is 13 for fucks sake!@
I just went private today so I can't have fan. Still get friend requests from people I have no idea who they are.
see! me and a 13 yr old reading me, is not okay
yeah I think it is pointless for a 13 yr old to converse with anyone over 18 unless its his MOM!
well, I think he needs to find his own peers
and we are NOT his Mom, old enough to be his Mom but not his MOM!
maybe facebook or myspace
sad to say he may lose a little karma but it's better for him in the long run.
haha to
DingoBarbie and now the rest of you have cinvinced me to drop that kid as my fan. Pooh to his Karma.
since he is in Canada and you're not, it's going to be a long distance romance
I guess you have to promise them the movies or maybe popsicles?
sorry to get into this late but are we talking DF?
oh, duhhh, yes. I just noticed his profile said he wa 13! I just got his request today too!
Yep, I've received one too
I'd not accept that. Obviously spam?
DF does have a mutual friend of ours and she may have accepted his friendship accidentally. I'll have to ask her.
[nods] better safe than sorry.
yes, junebug, that's who I was thinking of contacting. I wondering is she "knew" him.
as mush as any of us can know each other on here!
I stiil think even if she does know him, it is still a 13 yrold boy and I am uncomfortable with having young eyes read what I write
especially since I am all 7 kinds of vulgar!