Kell-E is
15 years ago
peeeeeeeeeeved that Plurk is now blocked from work - at least on this comp!!!
latest #10
Starman1 says
15 years ago
bummer! :-(
Snailquake says
15 years ago
oh no! You're gonna have to work! :-o
Amythia says
15 years ago
google "unblock" and there are websites which you can put in an address and go through it through that website. is one
Snailquake says
15 years ago
oh yes! I have that one bookmarked and had forgotten about it.
Amythia says
15 years ago
there are a few more I can get the list for you
Amythia says
15 years ago
You can plurk from your cell phone. too.
Kell-E says
15 years ago
that would be foolish. I work in $$ services and they have VERY good security. I'll just use my Blackberry.
Kell-E says
15 years ago
people have been fired for less.
Amythia says
15 years ago
I'll be sneaking plurks on my cell phone when I start classes.
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