cc_chapman thinks
16 years ago
plurk needs a way to opt out of all the notification e-mails. If it is here I can't find it
latest #13
banannie says
16 years ago
I don't think there is- time to make a rule to keep them out of the inbox, that's what I did.
treocast thinks
16 years ago
"that's odd... I'm not getting any email notifications." I did type "off" into my IM - maybe that killed all notifications.
frozen4life says
16 years ago
I've only received a few "friends" emails from Plurk, but then I'm not as popular as cc_chapman ;-)
16 years ago
reports that after setting the IM updates back to
16 years ago
reports that after setting the IM updates back to "on" he received his first notification via email.
treocast hates
16 years ago
that comments cannot be edited within a certain amount of time after accidentally hitting the 'return' key
biznickman says
16 years ago
totally agree ... let me know if you find it!
16 years ago
Go to My Account (upper right corner), Click on Privacy. You can turn of notifications for new friends.
16 years ago
Yup; Connie beat me to it.
16 years ago
Thank you connie !
16 years ago
happy to help (s_dance)
rjleaman thinks
16 years ago
a lot of Plurk things need to be easier to find
15 years ago
unser : My account: Should we send you emails for friend requests? options: No thanks Yes, please
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