MsHerr says
16 years ago
"social media users are too busy being social to pay much attention to ads" -The Trouble with Twitter
latest #6
ChrisWDP wonders
16 years ago
doesn't this already apply to web sites as well? Don't people already avoided ads on web sites with ad-blockers?
ChrisWDP wonders
16 years ago
doesn't this already apply to web sites as well? Don't people already avoided ads on web sites with ad-blockers?
16 years ago
runs ads on some sites. At the end of the day there is no free lunch.
Eyebee says
16 years ago
we either have ad-supported services, or we have to pay for them (or a mixture of both)
MsHerr thinks
16 years ago
it a paradox that Americans are citizens of the capitalism's capital nation, yet we complain about the plethora of ads tryin to sell us ish.
16 years ago
nice , msherr. we live in the business capitol and our business is capital.
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