shepherd is
15 years ago
working on sliding into the 20s with karma. It's been a steady, slow decline since I hit the 50s.
latest #7
gwfrink3 says
15 years ago
persist and you will deceive your goal.
Teeg says
15 years ago
or desist and you will receive it :-)
15 years ago
could resist :-D
15 years ago
couldn't even :-)
Jinfinite8 says
15 years ago
I drifted from the mid 60's back to the fifty's but it seems to be easy to return to a higher number
MichaelKing says
15 years ago
Okay well you goal is working
15 years ago
seems to be hanging at the low 30s. A plurk a day, keeps Plurkers balanced apparently. :-)
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