jeflin says
16 years ago
too busy to plurk lately.karma going down... :-(
latest #19
jeflin says
16 years ago
increase one point and drop two point.. (s_tears)
lagoon says
16 years ago
me too
16 years ago
offers a karma-boosting nanadance: (s_dance) (s_dance) (s_dance)
jeflin says
16 years ago
thanks modern thing..
jeflin says
16 years ago
been like 3 days since i saw some serious activity here. :-)
jeflin says
16 years ago
news_hound, luv the dance. (LOL)
jeflin says
16 years ago
lagoon, i will give you super-booster plurks... after my dinner. :-)
lagoon says
16 years ago
mojo13 says
16 years ago
good luck jeflin! plurk when you can... that's what i try to do.
jeflin says
16 years ago
i try to do that but there are bad days...
jeflin says
16 years ago
either i am too busy or plurk is throwing its tantrums. :-)
mojo13 says
16 years ago
so true... between work and bad-plurk, it's difficult to keep one's karma from falling. * sigh *
jeflin says
16 years ago
thanks cognizance.
jeflin says
16 years ago
mojo, i really hope plurk get their act together soon.
mojo13 says
16 years ago
me too! it has such potential and i really enjoy it, but they are going to have to get it sorted and soon.
jeflin says
16 years ago
absolutely agree, mojo. I hate to see my karma going down but there is not much I can do...
jeflin says
16 years ago
this is supposed to be fun, when we are frustrated, it defeats the purpose. :-(
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