LinkKiller is
16 years ago
now prodding Clio for PICCIES :-P
latest #25
chocobanana says
16 years ago
u've seen Clio's pic...*rolleyes*
tjk says
16 years ago
LinkKiller says
16 years ago
*pokez sputnik-chan for more piccies*
chocobanana says
16 years ago deal, one pic XP
LinkKiller says
16 years ago
*makez another deal :-P *
chocobanana says
16 years ago can be so annoying sometimes *flicks hair*
chocobanana says
16 years ago
LinkKiller says
16 years ago
lol, imitation of conceitedness :-P
tjk loves
16 years ago
popular girls :-P
LinkKiller says
16 years ago
lol, loves
chocobanana says
16 years ago
tjk says
16 years ago
LinkKiller wonders
16 years ago
where my pants went
tjk asks
16 years ago
did you check Rena's place ;-)
LinkKiller needs
16 years ago
to get my undies from there
tjk asks
16 years ago
that something to do b4 chibicon then ? XD
LinkKiller hopes
16 years ago
chocobanana is
16 years ago i'll leave u two guys alone then :-P
LinkKiller shares
16 years ago
pantslessness with sputnik-chan
tjk says
16 years ago
nah , we like popular girls , we'll behave and LK can play the piano ;P
chocobanana says
16 years ago
XDD can D-tan play the piano? (u do realize we're spamming in here ne?)
LinkKiller wonders
16 years ago
if TJ has seen the saturday night live where two guys played the piano with their... THAT
LinkKiller likes
16 years ago
tjk says
16 years ago
he hasn't that must have been epic XD
LinkKiller says
16 years ago
Thank god they had the piano between them and the camera xD, but they did it pretty well
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