15 years ago
why did I decide it would be a good idea to go to the World o' Wally to buy turkey day fixins tonight?
latest #18
15 years ago
oh noes (cozy)
Rose Farina
15 years ago
because it will be worse tomorrow? :-D
15 years ago
it'll definitely be worse tomorrow! (panic)
Washu-shu says
15 years ago
Omg I went on like Friday and it was bad even then
15 years ago
yeah it's horrible. I went yesterday and people were fighting over celery, wtf
Washu-shu says
15 years ago
I would go at midnight tonight even, to avoid going tomorrow!
15 years ago
I'm already feeling like I"m gonna doze off at my desk. I'm totally gonna get my ass kicked by som eold hillbilly woman
15 years ago
over the canned cranberry sauce
15 years ago
hi Solman :-)
Kara Timtam wonders
15 years ago
if there's some place more appetizing and less crowded?
15 years ago
not in Mayberry lol
Rose Karuna
15 years ago
Oh crap, I forgot to get celery. Thank you for reminding me, I'm off to the store immediately.
Lissa Pinion says
15 years ago
ppl go gonzo for some reason. I just don't care enough I guess lol...Went to Safeway last night and it was almost dead so no issues for me
Kat Alderson says
15 years ago
Death wish, perhaps?
Rose Karuna
15 years ago
No deathwish is when they go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. I've never risked my life like that.
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