net fail... I'm in a comshop... damn it's so expensive... T_T
latest #33
io, tapus mu na ung sa gepsych?
In the given dilemma, it is said that in a particular sea accident, only a priest and a “hot-babe” (a sexually appealing female) survived.
The pair sought refuge in a nearby island and hoped for rescue.
However, two years passed and still, none had come to deliver aid.
The main dilemma is this:
Will the priest, fully aware of his vow of chastity engage himself in a sexual relationship with the “hot-babe”?
Will he give in to carnal desires or will he resist the temptation for more than two years?
Will the “hot-babe” seduce the priest? Or will she understand his oath to the church?
kaso own words ku nlng yan
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