193028(Frosty) is
15 years ago
oddly content with life and actually has a reasonable goal that isnt related to a release date for once.
latest #6
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
cool, what is it?
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
cruise to Alaska early next year
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
I could think of nothing else except the Twilight cruise advertised in those bags lol...
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
i would Almost be willing but it stops in forks screw that. sure theres cheaper cruieseses
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
You'd be on a boat with the actress that plays Alice. That alone would almost get me.
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
oh didnt know it was alice.
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