CrazyHappy asks
16 years ago
WTF is up with people being in FIVE etsy chat rooms at once, so that other people can't get in the room?!! (s_angry)
latest #7
CrazyHappy says
16 years ago
that should not be allowed, thats freaking ridiculous
terusaru says
16 years ago
it is. its ridiculous and not understandable
karinsstudiok says
16 years ago
yeah, it's asinine...and most of the time they're in 4 rooms and not talking in ANY!
karinsstudiok says
16 years ago
LOL at least I only forgot to log out of ONE chat room!
gemmom says
16 years ago
it ticks me off! Especially when the room is full! (s_angry)
Craftinator says
16 years ago
that annoys me greatly. Then when you talk to them it's useless because they are watching another room.
CrazyHappy says
16 years ago
they never did speak, at all, and I was in for hours..even though people couldn't get in because it was full
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