you just wrote exactly what nawal did, too Oo
are you drinking already diane?
please do not throw up in my plurk
LOLS why did you copy my plurk?
why are you acting like me then
i already told you, presentation :>
LOL. jenn, you don't call me captain.
yes, YOU do, croissant, but jenn doesn't.
well i don't want to put your real name
it is too awesome. and i cannot live up to such an exotic name
therefore captain will suffice
when me and her talk, i refer to you as captain because she says she isn't into the korean shit XD
i never remember your top secret korean name
and she never calls you nawal. i would remember nawal!
i have a top secret korean name? since when?
jenifa will be like KIBUM BLAHB LAH BLAH
and i'll be like, who the fuck is that!
that's just my plurk name though
and captain is your awesome name.
but i don't go around speaking random japanese.
it's okay, you will speak full japanese
what's wrong w/ using mary and takeshi from the textbook?
she needs to die or leavee the fucking country already
yes. she gets even more annoying in volume 2.
robert is so forgetful, the poor kid
whatever happened to cool names
she sounds like a freak ngl
i thought asians had like, a tea-loving gene