Pretty says
15 years ago
i watched NEW MOON na!! hahaha!
latest #8
chuckieblair says
15 years ago
did u cry? is it nice?!?!?
Emerald says
15 years ago
how was it? :-))
Pretty says
15 years ago
i was awesome!! i didn't cry.. i wish i did.. full of abs.. i was like (woot) (heart_beat) (banana_rock)
Emerald says
15 years ago
(LOL) lol. so it was nice because you saw half naked men? XD
Pretty says
15 years ago
kinda.. it feels like jacob is more of a major character than edward in the movie
Emerald says
15 years ago
(LOL) he is, isn't he? :-))
Pretty says
15 years ago
at the end, edward and bella are together..
Emerald says
15 years ago
:-)) but still. he was the most frequent character sa New Moon. :-D
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