Eric Odom
16 years ago
yeah yeah... McCain sucks. But how could anyone possibly feel Obama is better?
latest #24
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
Quite easily, thank you very much. Neither is great, but I don't expect great at that level of politics.
NetHead says
16 years ago
that is the problem
FreelanceTwins says
16 years ago
KDFrawg, you should start expecting greatness, this is the biggest job in the world and we need high expectations for them
FreelanceTwins says
16 years ago
Maybe then we wouldn't have ended up with "W" for 8 years
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
I can expect it. But power hunger, greed, and an ignorant electorate will never give us another good one.
DrGerg says
16 years ago
first thing is to get rid of the two party system, but that has about a snowball's chance in hell
ljarratt says
16 years ago
we have allowed the politicians to become what they are today by voting for whoever promises us the most.
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
Yep. Please see {ignorat electorate" above.
ljarratt says
16 years ago
we have to stop voting for the lesser of 2 evils and start holding each of our reps. accountable for their votes on issues.
ljarratt says
16 years ago
Obama's policies are close to a redistribution of wealth and total big gov;t control.
ljarratt says
16 years ago
McCain are better, but he still restricts free speech with his campaign finance reform.
ljarratt says
16 years ago
McCain are better, but he still restricts free speech with his campaign finance reform.
ljarratt says
16 years ago
I won't vote for either this year. I live in Illinois where my vote won't count anyway. Obama will win.
ljarratt says
16 years ago
so I'm voting third party because they have the better candidates.
16 years ago
just laughs. I should say something political, it will increase my karma with argumentative responses.
16 years ago
McCain cause his pay grade & brain grade is higher...
LeslieCarbone wonders
16 years ago
b/c it's better for ppl to assoc. sufferring caused by lib policies w/ self-avowed lib than w/ conservative pretender.
AndyG1128 says
16 years ago
the problem with politics is the people who are qualified don't run because of the people who aren't qualified who do run
AndyG1128 says
16 years ago
If I had the expertise and the plan, why should I run for president?People will dig-up or Make-up stuff about me and my family.
AndyG1128 says
16 years ago
Why put the family through THAT?
16 years ago
i think obama is alittle better lost my vote with the approval of indused labor abortions everyother person went agansit it
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