14 years ago
morning my lovers. Did you miss me?
latest #9
Dr. Adjective says
14 years ago
*SLAP* (devil)
Ashe says
14 years ago
*SL gesture* AH FUCK! *Dives face first into the pavement*
Ashe says
14 years ago
lol... Yea.. I get a rude awakening from my gf this morning *no comment* and then bitch slapped by The Spunk Trunk
Ashe says
14 years ago
Anyone have some "nice* ways of presenting me with love? .. Perhaps some Keks cookies?..
14 years ago
missed ya bunches well i would have if i had ever met ya.
Dr. Adjective says
14 years ago
LOL Chelster!
Ashe says
14 years ago
lol aw... Well we will have meet then huh?
14 years ago
well that entails you actually coming on sl! lol
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