she made a champion mistake... she thought ml=microlitres! now she is being laughed at as suaku...
latest #24
says 2009-11-19T06:50:40.000Z
don't worry, we would have made the same mistake! haha.. ml=Milo?
hahahahaha. fail primary school....
MICRO LITRES!!! hahahaha...
haha kok leong is cek ark
oh yes.. do you know how little volume MICRO litres are? relax...
micro litres sounds so cute
haha you never hear his clap before meh? it's legendary.
okay just checking. hahaha
haha have you caught up to season 2 of himym?
not yet. 3 quarters through season 1/
i still needa watch psych
yes you do!! hurry with that too!
hahaha u dont have it in a hard disk or what right?
says 2009-11-19T08:05:07.000Z
it's legen-... wait for it, wait for it........-dary...
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