sar1e asks
15 years ago
Does anyone feel like going to Costco for me?
latest #9
15 years ago
I would if I could, but I can’t so I won’t. Sorry :-)
topsurf hates
15 years ago
grocery shopping
15 years ago
in fact I would pay good money for someone to do it for me and get exactly what I want
15 years ago
finds it somewhat soothing, at least sometimes. It’s nice to get away from the computer and watch people :-)
kayboogie says
15 years ago
i would shop for people if they paid me lol
15 years ago
kayboogie: YOU are HIRED!! (highfive)
kayboogie says
15 years ago
kayboogie says
15 years ago
when do i start?
15 years ago
kayboogie: one word....**IMMEDIATELY** :-D
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