Does anyone know how to use cliques?
latest #11
FAQ 有講。應該係用黎set 一個group 去收你既message。例如只set message 俾podcaster 就開個podcast 既cliques
yes. I have create a Hkblogger cliques... how to send to hkblogger cliques only?
it said PLURK另一個貼心的設計是,它不但把friends 和 fans區分開來,你還可以幫你朋友下標籤,比如說攀岩的朋友、划船的朋友、爬山的朋友等等。好處是,方便聯絡,只要設定好群組(cliques),則該收到訊息的會看到,不相關的人就看不到。
yes. i have set the cliques... then how to send to this group only?
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