Rainwolf says
15 years ago
good day and I'm off and running! gotta clean up the tree mess.. :-(
latest #9
Leather says
15 years ago
Ugh!! I don't bother anymore. The leaves are good as mulch. Have you ever seen the soil in the woodlands.. dark and rich. :-D
CreativeCove says
15 years ago
15 years ago
Leather says
15 years ago
ok..., so I admit it.., I'm lazy. But you know as soon as the neighbours leaves start blowing my lawn will look the same as b4. (evilsmirk)
CreativeCove says
15 years ago
Cecily says
15 years ago
the wind does the job for us or is it large branch tree mess?
Rainwolf shares
15 years ago
Rainwolf shares
15 years ago
This is a bit bigger then raking leaves :-P
Rainwolf shares
15 years ago
and all i did was pick up all broken branchs.. the log and attached branches are waiting for the state park tree guys to come take
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