14 years ago
Dear Tiong cyclist ringing your bell and shouting oi only means I'm not moving out of your way. Try excuse me instead. Dumb ass b
latest #17
14 years ago
I thought you were refering to ah tiong.
Toyboy r3g says
14 years ago
ya loh. the tiong word very sensitive
14 years ago
*nods head in agreement*
longadin says
14 years ago
lol not him la. is some stupid youknowwhat
14 years ago
but they dunno how to say excuse me one lor
longadin says
14 years ago
yeap so we refused to move. me and my bro just continued walking.
longadin says
14 years ago
then he keep shouting oi oi oi oi oi oi oi
longadin says
14 years ago
we totally ignore. i turned back looked at him, then turned and continue walking
xiaoyun-er says
14 years ago
if he don't know how to say excuse me, can still say eskew me what.
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle says
14 years ago
reply Oi lei ke sei yan Tao
longadin says
14 years ago
that's the thing. all he needed to say was excuse me. but no he just keep ringing his bell and oi-ing.
longadin says
14 years ago
lei ke sei yan tao???
longadin says
14 years ago
means what?
14 years ago
aiyah, rude people come in all shapes and sizes, all nationalities too.
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle says
14 years ago
oi ur head!
14 years ago
then wat happened later?
longadin says
14 years ago
nothing loh. we blocked until the path opened up then he cycle pass us. he dare not look at us
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