_IceMan_ says
15 years ago
what are you doing my wife?
latest #9
15 years ago
currently studying systems but i love plurking to you hehehe
_IceMan_ says
15 years ago
be carefull momi
15 years ago
my trainer knows hehehe, he told me to be careful with the guards tho
15 years ago
im doing plurk the others are doing friendster
_IceMan_ says
15 years ago
friendster is allowed?
15 years ago
yes it's not yet blocked in the pc system.. dadi who are your friends?(at plurk)
_IceMan_ says
15 years ago
only you!mwah! maybe because few people are using friendster this days
15 years ago
maybe all of them are using facebook, dadi let's look for other acounts like facebook tapos pauso natin heheh
_IceMan_ says
15 years ago
hehe this is enough, i cant manage more accts momi
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