jazzyjemz says
15 years ago
Just did a facebook ad-- they are expensive!
latest #18
Mzz Thang says
15 years ago
Yeah. I did one awhile back. Went for 3 months and it about broke me!
jinx1764 says
15 years ago
how $$$
jazzyjemz says
15 years ago
It depends on if you do clicks or impressions
jazzyjemz says
15 years ago
You can cap your daily max for a certain amt of $$. I did $20 a day for only clicks. I got 17,000 impressions adn 50 clicks
jinx1764 says
15 years ago
hmmm, any sales yet?
Mzz Thang says
15 years ago
I also did $20.00 a day, but considering the amount of clicks vs. the impressions, and the fact that most people don't stay on the site
Mzz Thang says
15 years ago
it adds up real fast.
Mzz Thang says
15 years ago
$600.00 per month
Mzz Thang says
15 years ago
It cost me over $1800.00 for the three months and I didn't get one sale out of it. Just a few thousand clicks.
jinx1764 says
15 years ago
jazzyjemz says
15 years ago
OMG that is alot. Im just setting mine for a week. I actually didnt have them link to the shop. I set it up to go to
jazzyjemz says
15 years ago
my FB fan page. That way if they fan (which 30 have) it links to their newsfeed and shows up on their friends pages.
Mzz Thang says
15 years ago
You have to be careful too, 'cause I've heard about people clicking repeatedly on ads just to use up others' $$$. Had it happen to a friend.
jazzyjemz says
15 years ago
Gosh, well I hope they didn't do that to mine. I got views in the shop too. So I like to be optimisitic. At least for a wk. Thanks Mzz Thang
Mzz Thang says
15 years ago
Good luck with it.
creativehaven says
15 years ago
I'm deleting mine
jazzyjemz says
15 years ago
April, why are you deleting your?
creativehaven says
15 years ago
cux I set a daily limit, haven't make any sales, and it's cost me 25 in less than a week
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