Kitbot asks
15 years ago
a personal health question in relation to works...
latest #18
Kitbot says
15 years ago
so after that weird flushing thing my face did yesterday, today seems a bit worse.
Kitbot has
15 years ago
deep chest congestion, which is fairly bad knews with asthma.
Kitbot wonders
15 years ago
if she should call in sick and go to the doctor to avoid sharing the plague or to stop this potential allergy reaction?
Kitbot says
15 years ago
work is INSANELY picky about taking sick days. By doing this, I may have the 'powers that be' on my back later.
gremlin wife says
15 years ago
...erk. On one hand, I want to tell you not to take a chance and go see a doctor, so you'll catch it early if it--
gremlin wife
15 years ago
--it something to be concerned about. Especially since it's affecting your lungs now...
gremlin wife says
15 years ago
on the other, if your work is gonna penalize you...
gremlin wife
15 years ago
would probably prioritize health, though, personally.
TotallyPedantic says
15 years ago
dude, if you're concerned about your health, especially if it is a respiratory problem, no job is worth your health.
Kitbot thinks
15 years ago
she may go in for a partial day and then go to the doctor as schedule, so I don't have them as angry with me.
TotallyPedantic thinks
15 years ago
that's the best idea.
gremlin wife
15 years ago
agrees with Jacqui.
Kitbot has
15 years ago
had a 24-72 gestation time if it IS flu (unfortunately, right on schedule to when I was exposed to it) but allergies are all the time for me
Beth says
15 years ago
if all else fails, go into work and look really pathetic until they send you homw
15 years ago
Maraich thinks
15 years ago
you should take care of your health
Kitbot is
15 years ago
going to tough out part of the day, then judge my health and take a shot for tomorrow too if it looks good
Kitbot says
15 years ago
if not, I'm going to be pathetic and wrap myself in a blanket and look like a reject ghost for the day.
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