lush lush !
haha, doing what right now??
wen wen !
lush lush. why
lol.i'm tryin to beat kim's score. bt beh la she super keat keat
jinyu you still shoot beh liao ar?
junwen, love jinyu, then yeevoon is mine
u shut up la. yeevoon is mine la. i flower heart ae la. cannot hor? XD
cannot la, you are carrot!!!!
haha, yeevoon is mine anyways
lol. nt urs la. qinling's gay partner
haha okay. not yours and mine
go play bejeweled blitz laaa
Lol! Didnt hang out w acid?
hate her
oh, no lah. she date me. HAHAHA
hahahaha. sai la. tmr need bring all text book.
yer.. no lik la. after that she'll hate.HAHA
Gosh i like her too;D I'm like her secret admirer.