Kitbot is
15 years ago
going to write until it's time to leave for work.
latest #14
Kitbot says
15 years ago
slowly, bit by tiny bit, I'm catching up to the daily goals in NaNoMo
pantherdragon is
15 years ago
glad for you!
gremlin wife
15 years ago
cheers you on!
gremlin wife
15 years ago
pantherdragon is
15 years ago
thinking about making lunch >.>;;
15 years ago
wooo, go go go!
Kitbot is
15 years ago
trying VERY hard to write completely chronologically, which I am TERRIBLE at.
15 years ago
would rather write in pieces and then when done write the 'connecting bits' to sew them together.
CAPSLOK wonders
15 years ago
why you're doing it chronologically if it doesn't work for you? :-o
Kitbot has
15 years ago
trouble writing the between scenes in a timely fashion. They either stretch FAR too long or don't span enough.
Ziggy Vertigo is
15 years ago
terribly behind. I got stuck already... and am like... 500 words in. I *knew* I shoulda outlined! D:
15 years ago
cheers you on for outlines.
Ziggy Vertigo has
15 years ago
ideas, but they don't take place til waaaay further in the story.
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