manderleigh shares
14 years ago I know there is an app to unlock your there one that will rake my yard? (goodluck)
latest #7
ktibbs says
14 years ago
Don't bother raking yet, there are still leaves on the trees. At least that's my excuse & I'm sticking to it:-)
Magpot says
14 years ago
your yard looks like mine, and like Ktibbs says, wait till they all fall.
ktibbs says
14 years ago
I think I will hold out for that app (woot)
DavidInArk says
14 years ago
iRake - dual app: rakes your yard then rakes you over the coals for not doing it yourself. :-)
ktibbs says
14 years ago
French Becky says
14 years ago
Mark raked (as in used blower on) leaves today & by time he was done--front yard looked like it did when he started. (tears)
14 years ago
We did some yard work this weekend. With 4 large pine trees in the front yard, it looked "fuzzy" with pine needles! lol
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