Shirlyn Bunny♡ is
14 years ago
hungry on 12:25am.
latest #11
xingwen says
14 years ago
i'm hungry too. Eating m&m, lol.
Shirlyn Bunny♡ says
14 years ago
:/ i ate like 5 small packets today. :/
xingwen says
14 years ago
:-o, but i dont really like m&m so i eating sweets. :B
Shirlyn Bunny♡ says
14 years ago
i like all kinds of sugary things.:x
xingwen says
14 years ago
hehe, me too. but hates choco. :-D
BrandonL says
14 years ago
yay, i just ate. =P
xingwen says
14 years ago
shut up! :-P
BrandonL says
14 years ago
=.= also not talking to you. =PPP
BrandonL says
14 years ago
i hate korean spicy ramen. YUMYUMYUM.
Shirlyn Bunny♡ says
14 years ago
Shirlyn Bunny♡ says
14 years ago
I like the kimchi noodles tho.
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