16 years ago
ate pie for breakfast. yum
latest #14
codyrobert says
16 years ago
blackberry + raspberry
captainstardust is
16 years ago
always in favour of pie for breakfast! i had a pear tart for lunch =)
codyrobert says
16 years ago
ooo the pear tart sounds very good also :-)
16 years ago
it was excellent! but pluot was the best so far, at least now that local blackberry season is over...
codyrobert says
16 years ago
ah, our blackberry season is just now wrapping up. we had a late one because of late spring rains and no sun
captainstardust is
16 years ago
envious... we can only get 'em at the grocery now shipped in all bland and overpriced. sigh.
codyrobert says
16 years ago
you gotta love South America :-P
16 years ago
captainstardust wants
16 years ago
to eat pie for breakfast EVERY day. (s_hungry)
codyrobert says
16 years ago
mmm. i did if you can consider 12:30am a breakfast :-P
captainstardust says
16 years ago
that's my kind of breakfast! pie at noon... or maybe at 10am but carried back to bed with a book and a cup of coffee!
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