jslmayy says
14 years ago
just set me free (ninja)
latest #20
Pyy says
14 years ago
leehazell says
14 years ago
Shinyin, let it go..let it go...*singing*
jslmayy says
14 years ago
WHAT LER? erherm. you all two gossip about me huh?
leehazell says
14 years ago
boh ar :'-(
jslmayy says
14 years ago
ohh okayy lu! sayang you hazell!
Pyy says
14 years ago
just set me free , i think of you (music)
leehazell says
14 years ago
Pyy says
14 years ago
i also sayang you mah :-D
leehazell says
14 years ago
si meh si meh. oi anyone w/ house phone? gimme number. i can talk to you guys till the next day
Joey says
14 years ago
Haih.. Yeah set it free
jslmayy says
14 years ago
walao! you siao liao! want luan phone people huh?
leehazell says
14 years ago
hmm? boh laaaa. if you got house phone..then i phone you talk lo. hse to hse unlimited
Pyy says
14 years ago
eyy 8.30 !!
jslmayy says
14 years ago
yeah! mine too! LOL!
leehazell says
14 years ago
what 830? 830 phone you? okokok. LMAY GIMME YOUR NUMBER XD
Joey says
14 years ago
Me too! HAHAHA house to house unlimited
leehazell says
14 years ago
izzit? lol cool. can talk to friends for hours
Joey says
14 years ago
Yeah but nobody wanna use house phone to talk eh >.<
leehazell says
14 years ago
yea ler. but if its wireless then okay ma right
v.chien says
14 years ago
my heart wont set me free~~
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