What did you achieve for this year?
latest #21
normally in the beginning of the year, you have a list- achievement list for the wgole year
and you'll write a lot lot of your wishes to be achieved throughout the year
now end of the year has already around the corner, so what did you achieve?
*kok setelah baca thread gwe banyakan basa basinya yah?*
oh yah inne, apa aja? terus yg ke achieve apa aja?
banyak yg tercapai tuh resolusinya
apa aja mel? share dunk buat motivasi ^^
*take a new ministry @ Church
*eat less oily food, less junk food
wekx..itu jg ampir2 mirip kayak gwe ^^
tp banyak gak sanggupnya ^^
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