kimtastic are you dodging my crinoline question? You can say no.
latest #11
what is crinoline? i'm confused...
is it in an email? hold on
where did you ask me that? i'm still looking...
Im.. four times.. you are just preoccupied with other stuff
i thought you might have one with one of your many bridesmaid dresses.
girl, i am SOO sorry!! my IMs from you arent popping up.
i IM'd you repeatedly too and for some reason not getting your answers. and then i tried through google IM and asked if you were there.
sorry. but you know, i had one for my wedding dress. not sure if i kept it or not, but i will definitely look in my closet
alright, i closed a bunch of my windows out. maybe that will help. i will look tomorrow for you and let you know. karla may even have it.
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