the message on it read: Hibari-san on the plane - Chrome
puts down the phone and wonders what to do today. She could go to the boss' house and check on Mukuro-sama.
pops her head into the dining room. "Oh, there you are~"
ah, good morning Kaoko-san.
carrying a big box over. :3
You wouldn't happen to be busy today, would you?
... not really. I thought I would go to the boss' house to see Mukuro-sama and the others. Why?
"There's a matsuri later, in the old district. And I think I've just found something for you to wear." she pats the box.
"A matsuri..." She's only seen the fireworks from her bedroom window long ago, but has never really been to one.
... you have to wear something different to a matsuri?
"Well, not exactly, but it would be nice to get into the spirit of it." she pats the box. "Open this. I want to see if it'll fit you."
stands from her seat and leans over to open the flaps on the big box.
Reaching both hands in, she slowly draws out a white, cotton yukata decorated with purple flowers and green leaves.
that she has never seen anything so pretty or delicate before.
leaning back, watching the girl oggle it. ^^
Reaching into the box once again, she finds an obi the color of dark pink roses and a white obijime
handling these things as if there were the most fragile pieces of paper
I wore that when I was about your age. I wonder if it'll fit you.
still ogling at the yukata when she hears her phone ringing. Gently laying the cloth on the table, she reaches for her phone.
"Ah, it's the boss! Excuse me, Kaoko-san..."
Un. Take your time.
what's taking Kyouya so long to come down. He's usually the first one up these days.
closed the phone and returned to the table
What was that all about? o.o
ah... the boss needs for me to pick up some of Mukuro-sama's old uniforms.
He's still wearing the... dresses that the maids back in Italy gave him 0__o
Hou. Over in Kokuyo, huh.
finally finished that REALLY LONG, REALLY COLD shower of his and is coming down the stairs.
Need anyone to go with you?
... I can ask Ken and Chikusa to go with me, but I don't know where they are right now ( "never got their numbers" she mumbles)
Kyouya, why don't you go with Chrome?
Chrome needs to fetch something for Tsuna-kun over at Kokuyo. Why don't you accompany her?
about to ask "Why me? >_>" but his aunt is getting That Look again.
...Let's eat first, at least.
A-ah! If has somewhere to go right now... 0_o
I doubt Kyouya's too busy to accompany you. He makes his own schedule.
So, what do you think of the yukata? :0
It's really, *really* beautiful, Kaoko-san. ... are you... is it really okay for me to wear it?
Of course it is. Someone's got to, right?
Kyouya, you're going to the matsuri also, right? For Disciplinary Committee things.
"Mm." he peeks in from the kitchen, cigarette in mouth and all. "...Why?"
You might need to accompany Chrome there also~
doesn't say anything for a while. Then he sighs and disappears into the kitchen.
speechless. That was decided rather quickly for her.
I don't think I'll be going. I wish I could though.
family matters to attend to.
disappointed that Kaoko wouldn't be able to go with them..
if maybe she can catch up?
I'll have to see. :3 I have a feeling you'll enjoy yourselves just fine without me.
stands up. "Well, we better eat. I've already wheedled Kyouya into coming with you -- he's going to get annoyed with more delays."
now setting the yukata carefully back in the box and carries it to the side for now and follows Kaoko into the kitchen.
(Karen, timeskip muna tayo for the Kokuyo thing. I'll start the thread. XD)
(Ok! warning though, I'll be a bit slow to replies xP)