about had it with the mother's computer. I don't know what she did to cause the problem but arg!
latest #10
after poking around, it comes up with invalid sibling link, which i've tried to fix, but that doesn't work
in single user mode and with the disk utility
Invalid *sibling* link? Weird. Have you tried fsck?
Oh yeah. I did most of the checks and tried all the repairs in fsck but it just won't repair.
And yeah, invalid sibling link wtf
Sounds like possible physical trouble, then. Can you back up, wipe, and reinstall?
i'm trying that next, but it will have to be tomoz. Erasing the ext drive i use as MY b/u so I can make a b/u of hers first.
So let's hope nothing happens to my comp in the short time I will be fixing hers
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