amandakthnx hates
15 years ago
how most of her classmates cheated on the running exam at Sports :-(
latest #24
petrichor☔ thinks
15 years ago
that Manda should just ignore those cheaters. '_'a *kicked*
15 years ago
actually told on them to the teachers, but the teachers just laughed at the stupidity of lazy teenagers :-(
amandakthnx is
15 years ago
glad that at least she (feels that she) is doing the right thing...
Mokkun hates
15 years ago
amandakthns karena tidak berlaku seperti remaja pada umumnya
Mokkun feels
15 years ago
gunawanrudy terlalu sok pamer
15 years ago
menangis di pojok karena celotehsaya :-( *ditendang jauh-jauh*
15 years ago
pikir biarkan saja mereka. Mereka cuma sedang... Menggali kuburan sendiri kok... *dihajar*
Mokkun is
15 years ago
tertawa ala joker. why so serious ?
amandakthnx wants
15 years ago
to put a smile on celotehsaya 's face...
petrichor☔ gives
15 years ago
a cutter to amandakthnx and says, "carve it on his face then..." :-) *laughs evilly* *kicked to Pluto*
Mokkun is
15 years ago
smilling already
15 years ago
bilang, "kalau Papa bajak, berarti Papa ikutan jatuh dan tewas di pesawat dong..." =.=
Mokkun says
15 years ago
saya kan udah pindah ke rumah kontrakan... kamu ngapain jatuhin pesawat ke kost anak UNY...??? :O
Mokkun says
15 years ago
kontrakan campur sih. jangan bilangin rtnya... ntar saya dan temen-temen diusir
Mokkun says
15 years ago
satu kontrakan harusnya nggak boleh campur cowok cewek
Mokkun says
15 years ago
prambanan sama sleman jauh
Mokkun says
15 years ago
lapanagan golf hyatt kecil :-(
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