BerryCutie hates
14 years ago
spammer who spams her blog....
latest #9
Abcdionefghijk says
14 years ago
YEAHS, she's a lowlife ./
LainaTyx. says
14 years ago
how you knw the spammer's a she o.o
Abcdionefghijk says
14 years ago
she put her name.
Abcdionefghijk says
14 years ago
+ blog url.
LainaTyx. says
14 years ago
she wuji spam , put url down also useless, her blog private -.-
LainaTyx. says
14 years ago
no life spammers O;
Abcdionefghijk says
14 years ago
Lol yeah. but nvm , i got evidence + her info. lol she come one more time and spam , she surely die until sibei cham -.-
LainaTyx. says
14 years ago
comp warrior O: jus tell her t get her butt off th chair & settle 1 on1 ^^
Abcdionefghijk says
14 years ago
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