didsydoodle says
14 years ago
if he really loves you, no matter what happens, he'd come back. di ba iceinlove? (LOL)
latest #13
MsBaker says
14 years ago
Yes Didi! haha :-P
MsBaker says
14 years ago
May chismax pala ako sayo, online ka sa YM?
3rdSuperman says
14 years ago
Hi Didi :-)
didsydoodle says
14 years ago
ice!!!! tell me your chismis later ah! magoonline ako in a while
didsydoodle says
14 years ago
eetm: hay naku em. let's talk sa YM later!
14 years ago
I agree. I should know. ;p
didsydoodle says
14 years ago
14 years ago
didsydoodle: Why the sad face?
didsydoodle says
14 years ago
cause i dont know what's going to happen to me.
14 years ago
didsydoodle: (cozy) aww Didi. I don't know what you're going through, but I'm here! (and I can help you get drunk if you want. haha!)
didsydoodle says
14 years ago
hahahaha!! thanks raph! (cozy)
14 years ago
didsydoodle: Anytime. :-) And I mean it - I could use some drinks myself, ya know. :-P
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