amigomigo says
14 years ago
Got new colleague.. No more bakuteh breakfast in the office liao.. :'-(
latest #67
yEe yUeN says
14 years ago
Javin  says
14 years ago
different color skin?
Vader  says
14 years ago
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
my different colour skin colleague brought us go bak kut teh wor (lmao)
lifehumanguy says
14 years ago
yEe yUeN says
14 years ago
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
lifehumanguy says
14 years ago
this coming saturday morning BKT.. u guys on?
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
should be okay gua.. (thinking) but xpang need OT
amigomigo says
14 years ago
Sunday also can de... actually Sunday better...
amigomigo says
14 years ago
Sunday is for Steam fish... Saturday... no steam fish...
amigomigo says
14 years ago
So... Saturday 9am or Sunday 9am... Vote please....
amigomigo says
14 years ago
Saturday 9am, no steam fish, but nice BKT... Sunday 9am, steam fish with okay okay BKT....
lifehumanguy says
14 years ago
shen not here on sunday...
lifehumanguy says
14 years ago
saturday la.. if he is here
amigomigo says
14 years ago
ok lo... Sat morning lo.. Xpang's OT is when? Sat morning?
齊天大Shen 
14 years ago
sat mornign la.. dun aeroplane me.. tz is coming on friday nite
amigomigo says
14 years ago
Want steam fish without bakuteh or we go for nice bakuteh? :-D
齊天大Shen 
14 years ago
of cos nice BKT la..
lifehumanguy says
14 years ago
nice BKT
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
saturday 9am +1
齊天大Shen 
14 years ago
9am reach klang or wht?
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
abuthen 9am wake up meh
齊天大Shen 
14 years ago
(lmao) u guys ler.. 9am wake up is very normal one.. XD
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
7am wake up lo
amigomigo says
14 years ago
7am wake up... (need the clap hand icon and laughing hitting table icon)
Havic says
14 years ago
7am wake up.. (just want more, no why, just feel more is better)
Ker Chien  feels
14 years ago
:-& 7am wake up.. u guys go ba~ count me out (woot)
yEe yUeN says
14 years ago
sat morning i service car at 8.30 leh (annoyed)
amigomigo says
14 years ago
Wahaha is okay... no need so many ppl come de.. more ppl, harder to find seat if is nice BKT... fang sheng xpang, kerchine and YY.. xDD
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
so @me, danny, shen, zhi and you
amigomigo says
14 years ago
Havic wants to eat? (woot) Stop cheating Karma you stupid NGU..
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
Havic needs to work i think.. unless you make it 7am
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
amigomigo says
14 years ago
Ya hor.... pity him... (LOL) (LOL)
yEe yUeN says
14 years ago
fang sheng me (annoyed)
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
yy.. we go find oren (woot)
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
but not so early (tongue)
amigomigo says
14 years ago
you can drop your car there then ask Chin to fetch you... afternoon only go back take car la..
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
yalo go service car also need at least half day de lar
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
hj bring his car go service at 10am, he got it at 9am
amigomigo says
14 years ago
10am... 9 am.... :-&
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
yEe yUeN says
14 years ago
but i book service 1 hour de ma (woot)
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
got service so fast one meh? quite amazing..
amigomigo says
14 years ago
this kind of service also got ppl book... really NGU....
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
yalo.. really amazing.. i never expect one service schedule for 1hr only..
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
amigomigo says
14 years ago
gou hua suan.... gou an quan... gou quan mian....
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
yalo.. waiwai won't scare later your black oil dripping while you driving?
yEe yUeN says
14 years ago
this is called efficient (woot) amigo NGU
amigomigo says
14 years ago
or the screw drop off from your tyre.... (woot)
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
car moved tyre still there.. (woot)
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
yEe yUeN says
14 years ago
car whole day thr.... 1hour service 8hour sleep thr nia :-&
Havic says
14 years ago
when go? i tot u said sunday?
Havic says
14 years ago
sat my representative go, sunday i can go personally
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
who is ur representative? nan dao is oren? (woot)
Havic says
14 years ago
yes abuthen
Havic says
14 years ago
according to robert, i am orange loyalty
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
(lmao) wake up at 7am ler.. oren will go mer? (thinking)
amigomigo says
14 years ago
your house come klang half an hour only.. wait up at 7 zuo mo... :-&
amigomigo says
14 years ago
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
(thinking) i need 1 hr to prepare mah.. so 7.30am lo :-& ask them da bao back for me (woot)
lifehumanguy says
14 years ago
we wil tapao bone for u..hehe
amigomigo says
14 years ago
want big bone or small bone or spare rib bone? (LOL)
Ker Chien  says
14 years ago
.... :-& i wan fat meat (woot)
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