Ran shares
15 years ago
shoppingcartdisco.com/?p... "One of the most hare-brained schemes I've ever heard. It's not as if LL isn't working on content protection.
latest #7
15 years ago
You know what would be more effective? Content creators banding together to fill up LL public meetings. Instead of 8 people, fill the sim.
15 years ago
They'd notice you're organized, they'd see the range of people affected at first hand, they'd notice it when you spoke and noted you
15 years ago
spend scores (or hundreds, or thousands) on tier before you launched into your complaints.
Ran says
15 years ago
And then? You do it again. Do it for 2-3 weeks running. They will notice.
Ran says
15 years ago
Telling people who are just scraping by that making a minor dent in daily transanctions is going to be of use is just absurd. It's a blip.
Iris Seale says
15 years ago
True dat.
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
15 years ago
It's like those gas boycotts that last one day. What exactly is that supposed to prove?
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